A search for a good night's sleep

How Ecoy came to be
Founding Ecoy

Ecoy started when Sam and James, our founders, searched far and wide for the best bedding fabric. They looked for a fabric that was suited to the hot Australian climate, felt comfy and met key sustainability criteria.

Ecoy ended up being created on top of bamboo. Bamboo as a material grows without pesticides or harmful chemicals and requires limited water. It grows bloody quick too!

Better still, bamboo feels incredibly soft to touch once turned into bed linen. It's as soft as silk but without the steep price tag. With roughly a third of our life spent asleep, why not get zzz's in absolute comfort?

The finishing touch is the magic of bamboo is in its temperature regulating properties which keeps you cool at night.

Simply put, Ecoy was created to help Aussies sleep better at night.

Supporting Australian charities

Ecoy donates $1 from every order to support Australian charities focused on protecting our native wildlife and native habitats.

Australia Zoo Warriors

Fighting for an extremely important cause - to protect our wildlife and wild places!


Rainforest Rescue

Rainforest Rescue has been protecting and restoring rainforests since 1999.


Conservation Volunteers

Conservation Volunteers shapes stronger, healthier communities where nature matters every day.
